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Zeman ANTIPERFOR DIA removable anti-perforation Aramid + EVA foam insole for safety shoes


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€ 13.33 Tax excluded

Delivery: 1 - 3 days

Super lightweight and comfortable (weighing only slightly more than a regular insole). Can be worn continually in your shoes or just occasionally as the need for puncture resistance is required. Can be used in many types of non-safety footwear in place of any existing insole that has been provided with the footwear.

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EN 22568-2021TYPE: PL
EAbsorption of energy in the heel
PPuncture resistance 1100 N

Why choose steel insole?

  • Protection From Sharp Objects Including; Nails, Screws, Glass & Metal
  • Flexible Aramid + EVA Insert
  • Provides the foot protection necessary for sufferers of Diabetes
  • Maximum Foot Protection, Minimum Space In Your Shoe
  • Comfortable & Flexible
  • Orthotic Arch & Heel Support
  • Qualty Protection At An Affordable Price
  • Transforms Shoes/Boots Into Comfortable, Puncture Resistant Footwear

Aramid + EVA InSole Puncture Resistant Inserts for any type of footwear, are a great way to protect your feet from accidental puncture wounds commonly caused by sharp objects that you may step on.

The Aramid + EVA insoles offers protection for your sole, like Steel Antiperforation Boots offer for your toes. Your feet are critical for mobility, keep them safe and protect them with steel insoles.

The insole of the shoe will provide excellent support when the foot rolls off when walking and increased foot support with higher foot comfort.

Recommended for anyone who needs puncture resistance and improved foot support, stability and roll in a shoe.

Suitable for sports, work, diabetics, cycling and motorcycle shoes, etc...

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Zeman ANTIPERFOR DIA removable anti-perforation Aramid + EVA foam insole for safety shoes

Zeman ANTIPERFOR DIA removable anti-perforation Aramid + EVA foam insole for safety shoes

Super lightweight and comfortable (weighing only slightly more than a regular insole). Can be worn continually in your shoes or just occasionally as the need for puncture resistance is required. Can be used in many types of non-safety footwear in place of any existing insole that has been provided with the footwear.

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